Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ACC strong once again!

Pittsburg and Syracuse trying to join the ACC? Oh yea! 
Pittsburg and Syracuse have been accepted as members of the ACC. Not only will this help with football, but it will also help with the depth of basketball in the ACC. Last week I read an article talking about how the ACC has lost its depth, and that only UNC and Duke are the only real talented teams in the ACC. However, now with Syracuse and Pittsburg (who are both top 25 teams) the ACC will have life once again, not saying it ever left just now it will be even bigger. There is also a rumor that two other schools may bring their programs to the ACC. Who could they be? University of Connecticut and Rutgers possibly. University of Connecticut would be another title contending basketball team that would also make the ACC even better. These changes will not happen until 2014, but when they do it will be a great year in basketball for the ACC.

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