Thursday, October 27, 2011

LBL Really?

Wow, I have heard of Lingerie Football League, but now a Lingerie Basketball League sounds a little ridiculous. I feel like LBL is good for a little summer league, but that's it. The way this league is based on is sexual appeal and some elite basketball. Between the WNBA and the LBL the LBL wins out in the sexual appeal, but the WNBA has the better basketball. However I feel the LBL kinda over does it with the sexual appeal factor in that these women are playing half naked in underwear with some lace going down their leg. Now these women are gorgeous; however, I feel like these women are not playing for the love of the game, but to be an object to attract dozens of men to them. However, I could be wrong because from some of the video footage it showed that these girls play hard, but some get a little overly aggressive. At on point you will see a player get pushed down even when she was doing nothing. That aggressiveness is just to get men riled up and get them more anxious to see if they players will break out in a hot fight. Overall I think that it is a great marketing strategy to appeal more to the male fan base in trying to get more men to watch women's basketball, but it is mostly likely the the LBL is just for men to watch sexy women play around for their pleasure. The LBL will never out do the WNBA. Here's a little snipped of the LBL...      

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